Rainbow Phonics Classroom Kit K
Class PreviewAbout the Teacher
$ 3,559.99 
  • Covers the Rainbow Phonics Program
  • Learn the science behind Rainbow Phonics.
  • Work through the scope & sequence.
  • Discover the daily & weekly lesson plans.
  • Implementation of decodable readers
  • Implementation of supplementary resources.
  • Assessment and intervention.
  • Email questions to Rainbow Phonics Trainer.
Jessica is an elementary teacher and influencer in the Science of Reading.  With a bachelor's degree from Florida International University, Jessica’s journey into the science of reading began in 2020, spurred by the onset of the pandemic.  Dedicated to advancing the field of reading instruction, Jessica has expanded her knowledge through specialized training. In 2021 and 2022, she successfully completed LETRS for Early Childhood and Comprehensive IMSE Orton-Gillingham. Her unwavering passion lies in making reading instruction accessible and effective for every learner. With a commitment to reaching and empowering all readers, Jessica continues to be a trusted source of guidance and support in the science of reading community.
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Rainbow Phonics Classroom Kit K
$ 3,559.99 

The Rainbow Phonics K Classroom Kit has been designed to give an entire classroom the components needed for implementing the Rainbow Phonics program.  The Rainbow Phonics Teacher Planner for K provides daily and weekly lesson plans based on the progression of The Rainbow Phonics Program. A calendar in the front plans out all the K lessons for the year. Resources included are designed to work according to the daily lessons as the letters are introduced, rather than consolidated at the end of the phase. The Teacher Planner also brings in decodable readers and introduces these closely after letter sounds have been taught to apply newly learnt letter knowledge to real reading. This kit includes 6-packs of Decodable Readers in phases 2, 3 and 4. Fiction, non-fiction and science titles will offer your school an abundance of variety for all interests. Also included in this kit is our Decodable Big books.  Rounding out the kit is a range of manipulatives and supplementary resources that are designed as part of the lessons in the Teacher Planners.  In our K Program there is a focus on handwriting formation and uppercase letters and a strong emphasis on Common Exception Words (Heart Words) within the program. Common Exception Words (CEWs) have been ordered in their own progression, which runs in parallel to the letter progression. This allows for multiple CEWs to be presented with different spelling patterns but similar phonemes so that children can see the exception components as well the decodable components. Children are empowered to phonemically analyse new words from their grapheme-to-phoneme knowledge and to identify irregular elements as they occur. The Rainbow Phonics progression moves from Phase 2 where early letter sounds correspondences are introduced, to Phase 3 where more complex vowel digraphs are taught. Following this, Phase 4 is also included to teach CCVC and CVCC structures (adjacent consonants) as well as multi-syllable words.

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